Planning & Investment Division. A.P Civil Secretariat, Block No 1, 4th Floor.


OFFICE HOURS:10.00 am - 5:00 pm


Background & Gudilines
Allocation Of Fund

NON-BADP Background & Guidelines

The Government of Arunachal re-introduced the Untied Fund from the Financial Year 2008-09, with objective to carry out the works of emerging nature which are not cover under any other schemes at the district level. Untied Fund is mainly allocated to meet the critical gaps in the infrastructure, benefiting the community as a whole through Deputy Commissioners and Additional deputy -Commissioners (with independent charges). Schemes to be taken up should not duplicate the schemes funded from some other sources. The concerned Deputy Commissioners and Additional Deputy Commissioners (with independent charges) will be responsible for proper utilization. of fund and submission of Utilization certificates, Expenditure statement, and Completion report to the Planning Department.


The works under this scheme shall be developmental in nature based on locally felt needs. The type of works should be such that it can be completed within one financial year and lead to creation of durables assets. The fund will be lapsable, and schemes taken up for particular year must be completed in the same financial year in which it is sanctioned

Sl.No Details View/Download
1 Allocation of fund under development activities of Non-BADP Assembly
Constituencies for the vear 2019-20
2 Allocation of fund under development activities of Non-BADP Assembly
Constituencies for the vear 2019-20
3 List of ready-sanctioned projects View